Benedikt Müller
Why work with me?
My background in reptile & plant care, electronics & programming projects, traveling and greenhouse construction gives me a unique perspective on certain challenges.
Specialisation - Lorisoidae
Be a part of the continujous improvement of care standards for Lorisoidae.
Stabilize and grow the ex situ population.
Learn from the community and share my insights and experiences.
1 / Supporting conservation
2 / Sharing knoledge
Speech about my experiences in Vietnam in front of the BAG Kleinsäuger - primate group. (picture above)
3 / Animal welfare
Whatever it takes.
Learnings and experiences
BAG primate group
BAG Kleinsäuger is a club designated to the captive care and breeding of small mammal species.
The special interest group for conservation breeding of primates is coordinating various primate species.
Zoo internship
Internship at Zoo Neunkirchen in 08.2021.
Primates and small carnivores.
Lucas Reese from Zoo Karlsruhe
(keeping Xanthonycticebus and Nycticebus bengalensis)
Partner Zookeper
Girlfriend is currently doing zookeeper apprenticeship.
Experiences with slender loris at Biotropica (Val de Reuil).
Especially EPRC.
Zoo Jihlava
Pygmy loris consultation - exchange of experiences with Richard Viduna.